Monday, March 26, 2007


/taken A.D. 2007, March, Warsaw, Poland.

The triple "I" person: Intelligent, Independent, Individual. She teaches the Polish language to kinds in primary school. The real "bookeater". She likes clubbing. Full of energy. She definitely knows, what she wants and she gets it quickly.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007


/taken A.D. 2007, March, Warsaw, Poland.
Studied graphics in Torun. Currently living in Warsaw. In five years she wants to be a scenographer. Likes colours and shapes.
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/taken A.D. 2007, March, Warsaw, Poland.

Katie is Gemini. Interested in people and the world around her. Living the life and trying not to miss anything of it. In the future she wants to be a psychologist.
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